06 November 2008


Q1. How old do you wish you were ? - <21
Q2.When were you in when 9/11 happened ? - a student still.
Q3.What do you do when vending machines steal your money?- "slam" the machine or trying to "dig" the coins out. haa.
Q4.Do you consider yourself kind ?- Should be. At least no evil thoughts.
Q5.If you have a tattoo,Where would it be?- near my pelvic? near the tail bone? ankle?
Q6.If you want to be fluent in other language, What would it be?- Japanese or French.
Q7.Do you know your neighbours well ? - Not Really.
Q8.Where do you consider for a vacation?- Europe.
Q9.Do you know your horoscope?- Yes, Taurus.
Q10.Would you move for the person you love?- I think so.
Q11.Are you touchy feeling?- Nope, sensitivity average.
Q12.Do you believe that opposites attract?- Yes, in most case.
Q13.Dream job?- Dun have. But wish to have a job that I enjoy and get to learn new things consistently.
Q14.Favourite tv channels?- Channel 8, U, 10,11,12,16,52,54,55,56,256, 22,23,27
Q15.Favourite place to go during the weekends?- Somewhere serenity and Orchard.
Q16.Showers or bath ? - Bath, cos I can be in there for more than 30mins.
Q17.Do you paint your nails ? - Rarely.
Q18.Do you trust people easily?- Depends on who the other party is. But my defence alert can be quite low at times.
Q19.What are your phobias? - hmm, heights? deep waters?
Q20.Do you want kids? - Dunno.
Q21.Do you keep a handwritten journal ? - Nope, never had the habit of keeping one.
Q22.Where would you rather be now ? - Away from Singapore.
Q23.Who makes you warm and fuzzy? - None at the moment.
Q24.Heavy or light sleeper? - Heavy sleeper usually.
Q25.Are you paranoid ?- Not exactly.
Q26.Are you impatient? - I am super Slack!
Q27.Who can you relate to ? - problems? the friend.
Q28.How do you feel about interracial couples? - No special thoughts, it happens so naturally.
Q29.Would you rather be out with your friends or stay at home ? - Works both ways.
Q30.Whats your pick-up line ? - Hi. lol.
Q31.Whats your main ringtone on your cellphone? - "Not A Single Day" but set to SILENT permanently now.
Q32.What were you doing during midnight yesterday ? - Online
Q33.What did your last text message say ? - hehe. u scare scare ah? ok, later bah.
Q34.Whose bed did you sleep in last night ? - Mine of cos!
Q35.What colour shirt are you wearing right now ? - Black with lime green collar.
Q36.Most recent movies you watch ? - hmm, Be Connected? think thats the title.
Q37.List three things which you carry with all the time?- Wallet, Handphone, Keys.
Q38.Which bank do you deposit your money at? - POSB.
Q39.How much cash do you have right now ? - few cents. very pathetic!
Q40.Whats your favourite part of the chicken ? - Drumstick or chicken breast.
Q41.Whats your favourite city/town ? - 新加坡 I love my country la.
Q42.You can't wait till?- a well-deserved Holidays!
Q43.What did you have for dinner last night ? - Rice, Tou Fu, Mushroom.
Q44.How tall are you barefooted? - 152cm? =s
Q45.Do you own a gun ? - Nope, it's illegal to.
Q46.What do you prefer to drink in the morning ? - Water
Q47.Where do you think you will be in 10 years time ? - Singapore? tho, I wish otherwise.
Q48.Last thing you ate?- 75% Lindth Dark Chocolate.
Q49.What songs do you sing in the shower? - Any that comes into my mind.
Q50.When was the last time someone made you laugh? - Few mins ago, on webcam.
Q51.Worst injury you ever had? - Stones in my kidney, not injury I know. But it's painful.
Q52.Does someone have a crush on you? - Maybe?
Q53.Whats your favourite candy ? - Mentos Lime/Orange.
Q54.Do you want to have your own car? - Certainly, can roam about anywhere and any time then.

08 October 2008


time: 7+pm

While I was walking down a small flight of steps along Clementi central towards the McDonalds, I accidentally missed my step and totally lost my balance; and I fell right onto my knee (my right knee), in the middle of a buzzling street. I have no idea WHY?! I could missed that foot, when it's probably just 2inches in height. I felt so embarrassed, yet I have to try and cover up for my stupidity action. But thank god, the friend grabbed hold of my hand before I tumble and roll down the steps, causing more injuries than just a mere bruise which I am suffering now. boo~

Uber PS la! Blue-Black le loh... 我要呼呼。。

26 August 2008

如果我有一百万。。。 $$$

nasi wa wu ji pa ban, wa ai zei puay kee, wa beih you say gai, Hawaii sai tai yang, Ji Poon jiah sushi.

23 August 2008

of the Fireworks

of the nicer capture

through my Lumix


ps: had a wonderful night despite the unwelcome weather throughout the day, nice company of friends and fireworks.

20 August 2008


The story centres on a getai singer (Mindee Ong) who has led a live of misery and suffering for most of her life. Beaten by her father and abused by her lover, she turns into a sad recluse whose only joy in life is to munch on cream crackers...

12 Lotus”, representing 12 verses chronicling a girl’s heartrending life. Encountering misfortune after misfortune, her fragile heart breaking every single time.
Its sorrowfully heartbreaking theme song “12莲花” gives a sense of melancholy in between the show.

By the way, local Mando-pop songstress, Stefanie Sun 孙燕姿 made her first debut show on big screen too (5mins of fame). Stefanie plays the role of 莲花's elder sister who also sings in getai, and acted as “观音娘娘” on stage. I wondered if those who has seen “881”, do you remembered that the mute Qi Yu Wu aka “715” was also named “观音”,how coincidence?

10 August 2008


风调雨顺 国泰民安 欣欣向荣 种族合群

百姓 身体安康 安居乐业

请庇佑 我身边挚爱至亲
希望 大家都能开开心心的过着日子

31 July 2008

Innocent and Cuteness!

I probably can't remember when's the first time I'd had a taste on Lemons, but i'm definitely not a fan of it even til now. I chuckled at the below gif.clip when i first saw it; a true respondent and a very cute one. hahaha.. see how adorable he is. awww~

os: What the HELL was that!! PUI!

16 July 2008


The most expensive Asian-financed film to date, with a budget of US$80million (S$109 million).
Likes: 赵子龙(the actor very charming! i feel la),周瑜(personally like him better than 诸葛亮)
Uncertain: 曹操 did not started the war because of 小桥 I was told. 孙权 doesn't seems to be a wise ruler based on the movie.
Dislikes: the plot was too short in my opinion, though the 八卦阵 was impressive, but the story was forced to come to an end at part 1 due to time constraint? or maybe insufficient rescources? abit of disappointment there.

And I heard that part 2 will be screened in December.

13 July 2008

Oishi... NOT!

Dinner for tonite was Oishi Combo, comes with 1 Medium Pizza (12"), but we topped it up to a large pizza instead with an additional $3, 6 pcs of Breaded Scallops (I totally mistaken it for some 'superior scallops' -___-"), 3 pcs Mochiko Wings (tasted like self-marinated wings, maybe worse?), and 1 Oishi Salad (plain cabbages with dice crab-sticks and some weird sourish taste dressing, nothing fascinating). My verdict: Pizzahut was soooooo much better, especially so for the spicy drumplets! just the thought of it makes me salivating. goodness!

Anyway, the main point is, after dinner I could feel an instant sharp pain to my tummy which I seriously conclude that the source of my stomache came from the pizza I ate earlier on, even though the rest of the members apparently shows no adverse reaction but I definately have a strong feeling it's from the oishi. What a night =(

09 July 2008





01 July 2008


[David Tao]

無名的怒火 有說不出的無力想敲打我自己

麻木的神經 感覺自己像個機器快不能呼吸

火辣的太陽 永遠在前方 無盡的公路 無盡的追求

我想要 runaway runaway


甩開一切無所謂 runaway runaway...

[Avril Lavigne]
I just wanna scream and lose control
Throw my hands up and let it go
Forget about everything and run away, yeah
I just wanna fall and lose myself
Laughing so hard it hurts like hell
Forget about everything and run away, yeah

ps: would you take my hand and runaway with me?

Ok. Now totally irrelevant to the above post.
You enjoy eating fresh? in other words, do you love Subway?
Here's the deal--> Subway in conjunction with the opening of their 50th store in Singapore, they're having a ONE day promotion islandwide, 50% for all subs! but only available btn the timing of 3-5pm. But I'm so lazy to go out at that hour, thou I gotta admit that the promo is indeed very attractive. I'm lov'in Subway seriously. Go! grab your subs if u enjoy eating healthy.

20 June 2008

Education = $$$$!!
give me more $$
CPF board's pressing me for money, darn sian de la! if only I'm eligible for the waiver, I'll be fair to my folks okay, won't run away with my "debts". Anw, the "debts" seems to be rolling up like a snow ball, one fine day it'll come crushing on me (already coming its way). Education in SG is not cheap, can hardly imagine how's it like for the next generation? gotta work til we drop dead ah

08 June 2008

KFC/Pizzahut going separate?

Anyone knew about that? KFC and Pizzahut has different hotlines now (appearantly), but dun ask me for their numbers cos I dunno myself til i saw this in Dasmond Koh's blog, try the search engine perhaps? =) That goes to show how long I have "lost contact" with their delivery lines. Anyway, time to update yourself if u happen to be jus like me, and if u like both the fast-food services in the first place.
Ok, i saw the numbers from their flyers. KFC - 6222 6111 Pizza - 6353535

03 June 2008

Touching Comic on Szechuan Earthquake

While I was trying to validate the authenticity of the content found on the following attachments, I found some similarities to the vidoes shown on the fund-rising Tv programme “爱无国界,让爱川流不息”, and thats how I know the genuineness and the factual basis presented in this comic drawn by Coco Wang. For those who are keen in her illustrations, check out the author's website here.

Does the above scenes ring a bell to you?
ps: apologise for the poor quality, due to re-alignment/resize of picture.

26 May 2008


25 May 2008

Beyond my understanding and imagination

I happened to chance upon this youtube clip on cruz teng's blog. Seriously, I couldn't understand the behaviour of this retarded bitch, nor can I figured out what's this bitch thinking of. If you don't understand or haven't gone through the teachings of sympathy/empathy, just keep your trap shut and don't bloody make nonsensual and stupid remarks, and my goodness, she can freaking blabbered for almost a whole 5mins! totally disgusted! loathsome! so feel like slapping her upside down (makes my blood boil).

Though I am freaking irritated now, I wish she can somewhat learn her lesson (some time, some ways), I do not wish for the same to happen in her hometown, Liaoning, but her mindset and attitude ought to be changed completely! brainwashed her with ultra Deltol maybe? bleach her brain cells, she needs to be purified!


24 May 2008

Lucky Ah!

One day, Ah Beng & Ah Seng were walking down the Chinatown when they saw something in their path.

"Wait!" cried Ah Beng. "Wat is tat huh?"

"Yah ho! Be carefool lo," warned Ah Seng.

"Wat is it?" They approached the thing and looked at it very closely.

"Eee look like SHT lah!" say Ah Beng.

"Hmmm..... smell like SHT also!" say Ah Seng after taking a deep breathe.

Ah Beng then poked the thing with his one finger, raised the finger to his lips, tasted it and said,"Tastes like SHT!"

Ah Seng pushed his finger right through the thing and stick out his tongue to lick. With confidence, he said, "Confirm is SHT!"

Then they smiled at each other,"WAH! Lucky we didn't step on it." LOL!

A Seaman's Tale

Ah Beng, Mohammad and Muthu were at sea when they were hijacked by a group of pirates. The pirates cornered the 3 men and said "Give us all your valuables!" The chief pirate then raised a syringe and added, "Or else we'll inject you with the AIDS virus!"

Mohammad quickly stripped off all his valuables and handed them to the pirates. Satisfied, they threw him into the sea. Muthu was equally quick to comply with the pirates' wishes. Similarly, he removed his valuables and surrendered them to the pirates. Like Mohammad, he was thrown into the sea.

Finally it came to Ah Beng's turn. He stared at the pirates and sneered. "You all kee see lah! (go and die!) Inject, inject lah, you'll never get my lolex and my JPG warret!" The pirates, showing no mercy, injected Ah Beng with the HIV virus, and robbed him of his precious watch and wallet. They then threw him into the sea with the rest.

In the water, both Mohammad and Muthu commended Ah Beng for his bravery. However, they were pretty perplexed by why he was unafraid of the virus. Grinning, Ah Beng answered, "AIDS I not scared, what... I got condom!!!" LOL!

Penny of Thoughts
Many things happened during this hiatus, both good and bad, balancing btn both, I think I got over it/will get over it.

Many thanks to few people out there, especially you.

My B'day 2008 haven been that bad afterall, though my exam dates will always fall near.

Another year(wiser), yet I don't feel I am intellectually wiser, wadever.

Didn't managed to make a wish at the stroke of 12 midnight, can I wish for good health? to everyone. And lesser natural disaster, no earthquakes; no typhoon/cyclone/tornados; no floods; no tsunami; no storm; etc. Eveyone stay peaceful and pink in health. Oh! and no man-made disaster, u noe.. war and wadever new-found diseases, like outbreak of mutated birdflu or SARS virus (touchwood).

Realised the morale of many, including friends and love ones have been relatively low these days, be it exams (smaller issues) to the major ones, like the recent 'Sze Chuan Quake' and 'Myanmar Cyclone', the atmosphere can be rather demoralising.

Cheer up people! go go fighting... Cheer up my love(s)! Cheer up Cindy!

21 May 2008

I'd guess I've been very selfish all this while, taking almost everything for granted, my studies, and most importantly my Family. And now I'd very much regretted so, for not being a caring and thoughtful daughter; for not showing enough concern to my mum; some actions could have been executed immediately. I'm feeling kinda dishearten, after all that my mum has gone through, yet no signs of improvement or whichever positive encouragement to keep us motivated, especially depressing to my mum. Seeing my mum, undergoing all sorts of treatments and medications (minimum, mere painkillers) and coping with the torment psychologically, seriously, it's unbearable for me. Despite the agony she has to overcome, our only hope is that her sufferings would lessen and may she recover quickly. It's been almost a month now ever since her first complain on her aching and sore to both her legs, no improvements so far, she's even thinking of applying for no-pay-leave for maybe a month to recuperate from this anonymous illness.

Coincidentally, another colleague of my mum would be away due to health problem too, which means, my mum probably won't have her application approved (if she did apply for). Another issue that's bothering her, but we comfort her that whatever the case, the worst scenario would be my mum tendering her resignation (if her boss really sux, not taking her health into considerations), the crucial point is to get well again.

Anyway, mum was weeping moments ago, and I overheard it together with my bro; meanwhile dad's already in the room with her. I swear, I've never seen her feeling so dejected in my life, everyone was taken aback for that instant. I could feel my tears flooding in too, simply because I couldn't do much to help, apart from slight consoling and cleaning her tears off; I feel totally awful inside but I couldn't display my emotions, not to make her feel any worse off.

I have no idea how long it takes for my mum to recover, back to what she used to be. At this point, there are too many uncertainty still, too many doubts remain unsolved; nobody til date can answer to all the queries, nor helped my mum overcome this ordeal. If today's technology isn't sufficient to render us with help, I'd pray and sincerely seek for your help, God, please enlighten us, please let my mum get well, please regain her with strength and energy, please take away all the sufferings. I'm getting weak and desperate now. Give me strength.

I love you, mum <3