06 November 2008


Q1. How old do you wish you were ? - <21
Q2.When were you in when 9/11 happened ? - a student still.
Q3.What do you do when vending machines steal your money?- "slam" the machine or trying to "dig" the coins out. haa.
Q4.Do you consider yourself kind ?- Should be. At least no evil thoughts.
Q5.If you have a tattoo,Where would it be?- near my pelvic? near the tail bone? ankle?
Q6.If you want to be fluent in other language, What would it be?- Japanese or French.
Q7.Do you know your neighbours well ? - Not Really.
Q8.Where do you consider for a vacation?- Europe.
Q9.Do you know your horoscope?- Yes, Taurus.
Q10.Would you move for the person you love?- I think so.
Q11.Are you touchy feeling?- Nope, sensitivity average.
Q12.Do you believe that opposites attract?- Yes, in most case.
Q13.Dream job?- Dun have. But wish to have a job that I enjoy and get to learn new things consistently.
Q14.Favourite tv channels?- Channel 8, U, 10,11,12,16,52,54,55,56,256, 22,23,27
Q15.Favourite place to go during the weekends?- Somewhere serenity and Orchard.
Q16.Showers or bath ? - Bath, cos I can be in there for more than 30mins.
Q17.Do you paint your nails ? - Rarely.
Q18.Do you trust people easily?- Depends on who the other party is. But my defence alert can be quite low at times.
Q19.What are your phobias? - hmm, heights? deep waters?
Q20.Do you want kids? - Dunno.
Q21.Do you keep a handwritten journal ? - Nope, never had the habit of keeping one.
Q22.Where would you rather be now ? - Away from Singapore.
Q23.Who makes you warm and fuzzy? - None at the moment.
Q24.Heavy or light sleeper? - Heavy sleeper usually.
Q25.Are you paranoid ?- Not exactly.
Q26.Are you impatient? - I am super Slack!
Q27.Who can you relate to ? - problems? the friend.
Q28.How do you feel about interracial couples? - No special thoughts, it happens so naturally.
Q29.Would you rather be out with your friends or stay at home ? - Works both ways.
Q30.Whats your pick-up line ? - Hi. lol.
Q31.Whats your main ringtone on your cellphone? - "Not A Single Day" but set to SILENT permanently now.
Q32.What were you doing during midnight yesterday ? - Online
Q33.What did your last text message say ? - hehe. u scare scare ah? ok, later bah.
Q34.Whose bed did you sleep in last night ? - Mine of cos!
Q35.What colour shirt are you wearing right now ? - Black with lime green collar.
Q36.Most recent movies you watch ? - hmm, Be Connected? think thats the title.
Q37.List three things which you carry with all the time?- Wallet, Handphone, Keys.
Q38.Which bank do you deposit your money at? - POSB.
Q39.How much cash do you have right now ? - few cents. very pathetic!
Q40.Whats your favourite part of the chicken ? - Drumstick or chicken breast.
Q41.Whats your favourite city/town ? - 新加坡 I love my country la.
Q42.You can't wait till?- a well-deserved Holidays!
Q43.What did you have for dinner last night ? - Rice, Tou Fu, Mushroom.
Q44.How tall are you barefooted? - 152cm? =s
Q45.Do you own a gun ? - Nope, it's illegal to.
Q46.What do you prefer to drink in the morning ? - Water
Q47.Where do you think you will be in 10 years time ? - Singapore? tho, I wish otherwise.
Q48.Last thing you ate?- 75% Lindth Dark Chocolate.
Q49.What songs do you sing in the shower? - Any that comes into my mind.
Q50.When was the last time someone made you laugh? - Few mins ago, on webcam.
Q51.Worst injury you ever had? - Stones in my kidney, not injury I know. But it's painful.
Q52.Does someone have a crush on you? - Maybe?
Q53.Whats your favourite candy ? - Mentos Lime/Orange.
Q54.Do you want to have your own car? - Certainly, can roam about anywhere and any time then.