31 July 2008

Innocent and Cuteness!

I probably can't remember when's the first time I'd had a taste on Lemons, but i'm definitely not a fan of it even til now. I chuckled at the below gif.clip when i first saw it; a true respondent and a very cute one. hahaha.. see how adorable he is. awww~

os: What the HELL was that!! PUI!

16 July 2008


The most expensive Asian-financed film to date, with a budget of US$80million (S$109 million).
Likes: 赵子龙(the actor very charming! i feel la),周瑜(personally like him better than 诸葛亮)
Uncertain: 曹操 did not started the war because of 小桥 I was told. 孙权 doesn't seems to be a wise ruler based on the movie.
Dislikes: the plot was too short in my opinion, though the 八卦阵 was impressive, but the story was forced to come to an end at part 1 due to time constraint? or maybe insufficient rescources? abit of disappointment there.

And I heard that part 2 will be screened in December.

13 July 2008

Oishi... NOT!

Dinner for tonite was Oishi Combo, comes with 1 Medium Pizza (12"), but we topped it up to a large pizza instead with an additional $3, 6 pcs of Breaded Scallops (I totally mistaken it for some 'superior scallops' -___-"), 3 pcs Mochiko Wings (tasted like self-marinated wings, maybe worse?), and 1 Oishi Salad (plain cabbages with dice crab-sticks and some weird sourish taste dressing, nothing fascinating). My verdict: Pizzahut was soooooo much better, especially so for the spicy drumplets! just the thought of it makes me salivating. goodness!

Anyway, the main point is, after dinner I could feel an instant sharp pain to my tummy which I seriously conclude that the source of my stomache came from the pizza I ate earlier on, even though the rest of the members apparently shows no adverse reaction but I definately have a strong feeling it's from the oishi. What a night =(

09 July 2008





01 July 2008


[David Tao]

無名的怒火 有說不出的無力想敲打我自己

麻木的神經 感覺自己像個機器快不能呼吸

火辣的太陽 永遠在前方 無盡的公路 無盡的追求

我想要 runaway runaway


甩開一切無所謂 runaway runaway...

[Avril Lavigne]
I just wanna scream and lose control
Throw my hands up and let it go
Forget about everything and run away, yeah
I just wanna fall and lose myself
Laughing so hard it hurts like hell
Forget about everything and run away, yeah

ps: would you take my hand and runaway with me?

Ok. Now totally irrelevant to the above post.
You enjoy eating fresh? in other words, do you love Subway?
Here's the deal--> Subway in conjunction with the opening of their 50th store in Singapore, they're having a ONE day promotion islandwide, 50% for all subs! but only available btn the timing of 3-5pm. But I'm so lazy to go out at that hour, thou I gotta admit that the promo is indeed very attractive. I'm lov'in Subway seriously. Go! grab your subs if u enjoy eating healthy.